

Devices that help you build and fix.

Trailer Accessories

Multiuse trailer hitch and magnetic hitch pin.

Our Kawasaki Mule, often thought of as a convenience, is actually an essential item on the ranch. Trailer accessories add to this utility. In addition to providing transport on unimproved roads and pastures, it has proved invaluable in the workday tasks on the ranch. Specifically, hauling and moving equipment. I’ve […]

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Tractor Tool Caddy

Husky tool holder on tractor.

Redneck Hack No. 2: The Tractor Tool Caddy You are trundling to and fro on the back 20 and you notice your three-point needs adjustment.  Where are your tools? It’s often I am out on the property that I find myself looking for something: Tool, sunscreen, phone battery booster, snake greeter… […]

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